Why choose HD Personal Injury Lawyers to handle your compensation claim? Here is why:
We promise to:
- Keep you informed of the progress of your matter
- Perform only that work which is reasonably necessary to advance your matter. We don’t pad out our billing to suit ourselves, only what is needed to serve you
- Be available to speak with you or otherwise return your telephone call within 24 hours
- Reply to your emails within 24 hours
- Answer your letters by post out within 24 hours
- Explain the evidence in your matter so that you understand our advice
- Provide a binding legal services cost agreement before starting work on your case
- Provide a full financial account upon the conclusion of your matter
- We have no inside links with large employers, insurance companies, unions or other third parties who may cause a conflict of interest with you. That means that you alone are our client. We NEVER work for the other side in compensation claims.
We are friendly, approachable and caring when it comes to dealing with our clients. This is because our lawyers understand that the effects of a claim can have an enormous impact upon your life in all manner of ways – with pain, with distress, financially, emotionally and psychologically.
Your relationships may become affected.
You may require prolonged treatment.
Because of that, at every step, we will be there for you!
We have experience representing all types of personal injuries including psychological and psychiatric injuries.
For example, we have worked over many years with people who have suffered injuries to the:
- back,
- neck,
- shoulders,
- arms, legs,
- hands, feet,
- brain,
- pelvis,
- ribs,
- vascular system,
- nervous system,
- lungs,
- bowel,
- bladder,
- reproductive,
- and other internal organs.
This experience allows us to manage your claim without continual recourse to expensive barristers. Our aim is to settle with the insurer/employer defendant. However, we have an almost perfect record at winning when we go to trial. Notably, as solicitors we have right of audience in court rooms, so we can argue your case in front of judge and jury if necessary.
Claims we have handled arising out of car accidents, work injuries, medical malpractice and the public liability arena include:
- Negligence claims, also known as common law claims
- No fault – statutory claims
- Anti discrimination claims arising from age, race, disability or sex discrimination
- Superannuation / Total and Permanent Disability arising from the law of contract.
Claims of different types have different forms to complete, different procedures and different time limits. However, we know them all and will assist you through the process, no matter what type of claim you have.
You should never feel you are wasting anyone’s time by making an enquiry about a claim you are not sure about. Consequently, it never hurts to ask. That is because we may be able to help you or at very least inform you of your likely chances of success. Or we may be able to refer you to someone who can help you.
Availability of your personal injury lawyer

Brisbane personal injury lawyer, Harry Day, recently spoke out on what he believes to be a key problem in the compensation law industry:
Many clients over the years come to us after they have been with another law firm that is handling their personal injury case .
Their complaint is usually the same. They could never talk to their lawyer.
I’ve been a lawyer for 31 years now and this complaint is something I saw in many firms from my earliest days.
I just never understood why a lawyer would not make themselves available to their client. We know how important your case is to you. Therefore, we welcome the chance for you to update us of any of your concerns or for you to get review of the matter’s status from us.
These days, with the arrival of the Internet, and the iPhone and other mobile devices, lawyers often act for people from a wide geographical range. This includes from the Gold Coast to Brisbane to Ipswich to Central Queensland to Far North Queensland.
Personal Injury Law is easy to work by ‘remote access’ communications.
However, this does not mean I can’t talk to people, so all my clients have my mobile phone number – 0438 905 530.
You can call me 7 days per week. If I can’t answer, just leave a message or send me a text asking for me to call you. Personal injury lawyer availability should not be an obstacle to your peace of mind.
Harry is the principal solicitor of HD Lawyers, which recovers compensation for people hurt in many ways.